The Application Development Experiences of an Enterprise Developer


2023-10-29 Objects with the Same Name in Different Bounded Contexts
2023-10-03 The Depth of GPT Embeddings
2023-08-14 Feature Flags: Don't Roll Your Own
2023-08-04 Consider Quality Before Cost in Application Development
2023-04-13 Continuing a Conversation on LLMs
2023-04-12 Beta Tools and Wait-Lists
2023-02-20 Microservices: Size Doesn't Matter, Reliability Does
2023-02-13 Simple Linear Regression
2023-02-06 Like a River
2023-01-30 Microservices - Not Just About Scalability
2023-01-23 Critical Questions to Ask Your Team About Microservices
2023-01-16 The Critical C's of Microservices - Coalescence
2023-01-09 The Critical C's of Microservices - Competencies
2023-01-02 The Critical C's of Microservices - Chaos
2022-12-26 The Critical C's of Microservices - Contract
2022-12-19 The Critical C's of Microservices - Consistency
2022-12-17 Teach Students how to Use ChatGPT
2022-12-12 The Critical C's of Microservices - Context
2022-11-11 Social Media
2022-08-08 Identifying the Extraneous Publishing AntiPattern
2021-09-21 Event Storming
2021-04-22 You Got Your Policy in my Redis
2021-04-03 Troubleshooting Information for Machinelearning-ModelBuilder Issue #1027
2020-06-17 Committing to Git from an Azure DevOps Pipeline
2020-05-18 Meta-Abstraction -- You Ain't Gonna Need It!
2019-03-03 South Florida Code Camp 2019
2019-02-26 Three Awesome Months
2019-02-14 The Value of Flexibility
2019-02-12 Back to Basics–the Double Data Type
2018-12-13 Developer on Fire
2018-11-10 SoCalCodeCamp Slide Decks
2018-10-31 AZGiveCamp IX-Save the Date
2018-09-26 Intro to WebAssembly Using Blazor
2018-03-16 Programmers -- Take Responsibility for Your AI’s Output
2018-03-11 On the Shoulders of Giants
2017-10-16 Desert Code Camp – October 2017
2017-10-13 An Example of a Hybrid AI Implementation
2017-09-28 Building AI Solutions with Google OR-Tools
2017-06-22 A Developer’s Survey of AI Techniques
2017-06-01 Scalable Decision Making
2017-05-24 A Requirement for AI Systems
2017-05-06 Microservices Presentation
2017-03-20 Testing the Untestable with Microsoft Fakes
2017-03-16 Demo Code for Testing in Visual Studio 2017
2017-01-09 Testing a .NET Core Library in VS2015
2016-12-15 A.I. That Can Explain "Why"
2016-11-17 Is a Type an Implementation of an Interface?
2016-10-15 Optimization for Developers
2016-10-14 Code Coverage Teaches and Protects
2016-10-05 A Busy October and November
2016-08-11 AZGiveCamp is Breaking the Mold
2016-07-01 A Software Developer's View of Dynamic Programming
2016-03-05 TDD Helps Validate Your Tests
2016-02-27 Test-Driven Bug Fixes
2016-01-25 Not Following API Guidelines Has Impact
2015-10-27 No More Collection Objects
2015-10-21 Dynamic Optimization Presentation
2015-10-12 Simplify Your API
2015-10-05 Use One Email Alias per Account
2015-09-30 Speaking Engagements for October 2015
2015-09-30 Office Lens–Magic in a Free App
2015-09-28 Remove Any Code Your Users Don't Care About
2015-08-26 Introducing TestHelperExtensions
2015-07-06 “One Reason to Change” Means the Code
2015-06-29 Are you Ready for the Next Episode?
2015-04-08 OneNote Notebooks remain “Not Connected”
2014-09-22 Two Features you Need in Your Service SLAs
2014-07-28 Conflict of Interest -- YAGNI vs. Standardization
2014-07-11 New OSS Project
2014-06-28 SOA–Beyond the Buzzwords
2014-06-14 My Comments to the FCC on Net Neutrality
2014-04-04 The Next Old New way of Thinking About App Interfaces
2013-08-05 Visual Studio Unit Test Generator
2013-06-27 Using Target-Specific Code in a Portable Library
2013-03-03 Programmers -- Take Responsibility for Your Program’s Output
2013-02-28 Windows 8 Store Development for Enterprise Devs
2013-02-06 Upcoming Presentations
2012-12-27 Regain Access to the CreateUnitTests Command in VS2012
2012-09-16 The Missing “Create Unit Test” feature in Visual Studio 2012
2012-02-13 Code Sample for My TDD Kickstart Sessions
2012-02-02 User Experience Done Better
2012-01-26 .NET TDD Kickstart
2012-01-16 Order Matters in the Rhino Mocks Fluent Interface
2011-10-12 AZGiveCamp III is Oct 21st-23rd
2011-08-24 Why I Am Attending the Pluralsight “Algorithms and Data Structures” Webcast
2011-07-29 Microsoft Developers and HTML5
2011-06-28 Wiffle Ball for Charity
2011-06-26 Demo Code for EF4Ent Sessions
2011-06-20 Programming Jargon Dictionary
2011-06-07 Code Analysis Rules
2011-04-29 Continuous Improvement as a Developer
2011-04-06 Annual Scott Guthrie Day in the Valley
2011-04-02 Desert Code Camp Presentation
2011-03-08 Decorating Partial Class Members in C#
2011-02-23 AZGiveCamp III Organization Starts 3/3
2011-02-13 South Florida Code Camp 2011
2011-02-03 Entity Framework Associations on Non-Key Fields
2011-01-31 Tech Bubble -- Version 2.0
2011-01-30 Looking for Evening Events at Mix11
2011-01-20 Entity Framework Inheritance
2010-11-12 Two Things I Learned on Today
2010-10-21 AZGiveCamp II Announced!
2009-11-09 Dev Ignite
2009-10-27 Will "Augmented Reality" Finally Make My Life's Dream Come True?
2009-10-14 Tentative AZGiveCamp Organizers Meeting Agenda
2009-07-31 Development Posters
2009-07-23 Developer Ignite Presentation - Slide Deck
2009-07-13 Developer Ignite in Chandler
2009-06-26 Presentation Proposal - Developer Ignite Phoenix
2009-04-18 Top-10 Developer Skills
2009-04-17 Using Constraints in Rhino Mocks
2009-03-07 Oracle String SQL Query using a DateTime from C#
2009-03-04 Server Crash
2008-12-25 Use System.DateTimeOffset To Better Handle Time Zones
2008-12-14 Best of PDC Phoenix in Tweets
2008-11-01 PDC 2008 - Day 2
2008-10-29 PDC 2008 Day 1
2008-10-28 PDC Keynote Live Stream
2008-10-26 PDC 2008
2008-06-16 Multiple Inheritance - Its Time Should Come Again Soon
2008-06-13 I've Accepted a Position at US Airways
2008-06-04 Desert Code Camp IV - Another Great Day
2007-09-16 Encapsulation and Generic Lists
2007-08-23 Unit Testing the Data Tier
2007-07-14 .NET Open-Source Projects
2007-07-11 10 Common ASP.NET Pitfalls
2007-07-07 Unit Test "Normalization"
2007-07-01 Removing Assemblies from the GAC
2007-06-26 Testing Properties with Inconsistent Accessibility
2007-06-14 Owning Code is Evil
2006-10-07 Profile Provider Exception
2006-10-07 nUnit vs. VSTS
2006-10-02 SQL ERD for Membership and Other ASP.NET 2.0 Services
2006-08-31 Solving DataSet Constraint Problems
2006-07-22 Emitting XML
2006-05-25 Sample SQL 2000 XML Query Courtesy of AE
2006-05-21 XSL vs. Regular Expressions
2006-05-09 Loosely Coupled Apps
2006-05-09 Summary - Desert Code Camp 2006
2006-05-09 Holding the Web on Your Shoulders With Atlas
2006-05-08 Enterprise Library Overview
2006-05-08 Creating Custom Controls for ASP.NET 2.0
2006-05-08 Exception Handling Block
2006-05-08 T-SQL 2005
2006-05-08 Web Parts in ASP.NET 2.0
2006-05-08 Introduction to Agile/Extreme Programming
2006-05-08 VB.NET 2.0 Language Changes Give You More
2006-05-07 Arrival
2006-04-29 Generics Concerns
2006-04-29 .NET 2.0 Concerns
2006-04-28 Sample Using Statement in VB.NET 2005
2003-11-02 Dictionary of PDC ‘03 Terms
2003-11-01 No summary of day 3 - yet
2003-10-30 Day 2 AM
2003-10-30 Afternoon - Day 2
2003-10-30 Security Problems
2003-10-29 PDC Day 1
2003-10-28 I have arrived at the PDC
2003-06-03 Final Day
2003-05-30 Day 2 - PM
2003-05-30 Day 2 - Early PM
2003-05-30 Day 1
2003-05-28 Stay Tuned

About the Author

Barry S. Stahl Barry S. Stahl (he/him/his) - Barry is a .NET Software Engineer who has been creating business solutions for enterprise customers for more than 35 years. Barry is also an Election Integrity Activist, baseball and hockey fan, husband of one genius and father of another, and a 40 year resident of Phoenix Arizona USA. When Barry is not traveling around the world to speak at Conferences, Code Camps and User Groups or to participate in GiveCamp events, he spends his days as a Solution Architect for Carvana in Tempe AZ and his nights thinking about the next AZGiveCamp event where software creators come together to build websites and apps for some great non-profit organizations.

Barry has started delivering in-person talks again now that numerous mechanisms for protecting our communities from Covid-19 are available. He will, of course, still entertain opportunities to speak online. Please contact him if you would like him to deliver one of his talks at your event, either online or in-person. Refer to his Community Speaker page for available options.

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