Open Source

The following are open-source projects that I host or significantly contribute to:

  • Conference Scheduler (Github) (NuGet) - A NetStandard2.0 compliant schedule optimizer for small conferences and code camps.
  • IntentBot (Github) - A microservices framework for creating conversational bots.
  • LiquidNun (Github) - A library of abstractions and their concrete implementations that assist in the creation of loosely-coupled applications.
  • LiquidVictor (Github) - [Experimental] A media tracking and aggregation system that can be used to build presentations.
  • Prehensile Pony-Tail (Github) - A blogging platform that produces plain HTML5/CSS output for ultimate scalability.
  • TestHelperExtensions (Github) (NuGet) (Documentation) - A set of extension methods helpful when building unit tests. Functionality includes creating random data of various types, converting data types, comparing date data, searching within string arrays, etc.
  • Toastmasters Agenda (Github) (Website) - A c# library and website for generating agenda's for Toastmasters meetings.
  • PDM - Protobuf Data Mapper (Github) (NuGet) - A c# library for mapping and transforming one Protobuf message into another.