The Application Development Experiences of an Enterprise Engineer

Community Speaker

Upcoming Talks

  • CodeMash 2025 - 1/14/2025 - 1/17/2025 - "Crafting AI: A Developer's Guide to Machine Learning"

Available Talks

Microservices and Event-Driven Architectures | Software Engineering Patterns and Practices | Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms

I have the following talks on topics of interest to Enterprise Developers that I can deliver at your user group or conference. You can submit a request for me to speak by contacting me.

Microservices and Event-Driven Architectures

  • Eliminating Hidden Dangers to Your Applications: Patterns for Reliable Systems - There is a danger lurking in every system that hasn't taken explicit steps to eliminate it. This under-recognized data killer can cause intermittent inconsistencies in your data which can be as difficult to find as they are to correct. Fortunately, recognizing this monster is easy, and there are a number of great techniques you can use to keep it away for good. In this talk, we will learn about the Dual-Writes anti-pattern: how to spot it, and what to do to avoid it. In doing so, we'll discuss the 4 primary patterns for keeping data consistent in modern software systems, so you can spend less time supporting your applications. We'll see examples in C# of each pattern, including demonstrations using SQL Server, Cosmos DB and Redis.

    Latest Slide Deck

  • Success with Microservices: The Critical "Cs" - Microservices allow you to build systems that are scalable, flexible, and resilient, but as valuable as they are, they also come with a set of challenges that can derail your development efforts. In this talk, we will dive into the "Critical C's of Microservices" - a framework for guiding important conversations in the design, development, and maintenance of microservices that can help you determine if you should be using microservices, and if so, identify many of the oft-overlooked considerations when building them. We will cover each of the 6 C's in detail: Context, Consistency, Contract, Chaos, Competencies, and Coalescence. We will drill-in to the goals of each of the conversations including why they are important, as well as patterns and best practices for leveraging them to create great outcomes for your users, your team and your organization. You will leave this talk with a deep understanding of how to be successful when building systems using event-driven microservice architectures. Whether you are new to microservices or an experienced practitioner, this talk will provide you with the tools you need to determine if microservices are right for your use-case, and what you need to consider if you decide to move forward with a microservices architecture.

    Critical "C's" Website

  • Introduction to Microservices - Are you thinking about using microservices but are not sure if they're right for you? Are your services too small or too big? Do you have trouble debugging, deploying or maintaining your product? Microservice architectures are designed to solve many of the problems we faced with earlier architectural styles. Like all architectural decisions however, there are trade-offs that we should understand so we can identify when to use microservices, and what they should look like when we build them.

    In this talk, we will identify the primary reasons to use microservices. We'll call-out some of the problems they are designed to solve, and identify the things we need to look out for when implementing them. We'll also identify some patterns and processes useful when designing and building systems using microservice architectures. You'll walk away knowing what makes a good microservice, and with the tools you need to build them.

    Latest Slide Deck

Software Engineering Patterns and Practices

  • Simplify Your API: Creating Maintainable and Discoverable Code in .NET - Developers don't read documentation, this is a fact. It is also a fact that an API that depends on its documentation to get developers to understand and discover its features is at a huge disadvantage in the marketplace. Fortunately, there are some simple, easy-to-use mechanisms for wrapping complex APIs and making their functionality both easy to use, and highly discoverable. Imagine being able to use tools like IntelliSense that the Visual Studio IDE already provides as a way to expose the functionality of your service or library. In this session we will build a fluent Domain Specific Language interface over an existing API to create an interface that is easy to use and discoverable through IntelliSense.

  • Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications - Building our applications so that their components are loosely coupled is a critical measure in creating solutions that are testable, maintainable and extensible. In this session we will explore several design patterns that are key to building applications that maintain loose coupling. We start by reviewing a tightly coupled application. Then, we explore several design patterns by using them to convert the application into a maintainable and extensible solution that can be validated using unit tests.

    Latest Slide Deck | Video: Craft Conference 2019 - Budapest, Hungary - May 2019

  • Test Driven Development in .NET - In this talk, the speaker and the audience will "pair up" for a coding session which will serve as an introduction to using a Test Driven Development process to build a .NET Core application. We will use C#, Visual Studio, XUnit and MOQ to unit test code to be built both with and without dependencies. We will also highlight some of the common issues encountered during TDD and discuss strategies for overcoming them.

  • Test Driven Development for Managers - It is generally accepted that having good unit tests is an important factor in agile development. Unit testing is so important that many development teams have chosen to take a test-driven approach to building software. But what does it really mean to be "test-driven" and why is it so important?

    In this session, Barry walks through the process of developing a simple application using TDD methodologies. He teaches the same concepts he has been teaching developers for many years, but does so for an audience of managers and coaches so that you can understand how using Test-Driven-Development makes your teams more agile and more productive. You will walk away with an understanding of some of the key concepts of unit testing and TDD, how they are implemented using Test-Driven Development practices, and how using these techniques before writing production code saves time and money by ensuring that the code that is written is maintainable and extensible.

  • Defining the Business Domain using Event Storming - Event storming is a process for modeling a business domain from the perspective of the business experts. It comes out of the Domain Driven Design world and has been used by many with great success. Event Storming can help your team:

    • Build an understanding of a domain
    • Define the scopes and interactions of the components of a system
    • Rapidly discover unknown-unknowns
    • Expose the intricacies of the business domain
    • Identify the areas of greatest risk

    The artifacts produced in this process are useful to both the business experts, to help document their domain, and the engineers building systems for that domain, and are completely implementation agnostic.

    In this session, we will explore the process of Event Storming. We will define the goals and expected outputs of the process, and walk through a simple example so that you are ready to bring this important practice into your organization.

    Latest Slide Deck

  • Things Your Dev Team Hopes You Know - Managing a development team or project can be one of the most challenging jobs in any industry. Balancing the needs of the developers, the organization and the users to maximize value for the customers while minimizing costs can be a daunting prospect for even the most experienced executive. How can we produce quality software in a timely and cost-effective manner when the needs of the development team are so different from the needs of the customers, the organization and its managers?

    In this talk Barry leverages his more than 30 years of experience as a Developer and Solution Architect to remind us that how we leverage Agile ceremonies, how we use our tooling, and how we utilize metrics can have both positive and negative impacts on our teams. He reviews many of the elements of our Agile processes and identifies their impacts, particularly on the developers and their managers. This talk challenges us to create environments for our development teams that enable them to exceed the expectations of both our users and our organizations.

    Latest Slide Deck

Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms

  • The Future of Information Retrieval: A Deep-Dive into RAG - Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) may be the most important new software technology for business applications in a generation. RAG is revolutionizing the way we approach documentation and other information retrieval tasks. By combining the pre-training of large language models with your own data, RAG systems can help generate insights and ideas you might have never considered, enhancing real-world applications from question answering systems to content creation. Of course, these tools are not without their challenges. Systems built using any probabilistic model must be able to manage the size and complexity of requests and responses, ensure accurate and relevant retrieval, handle the biases inherent in the models, and identify if inaccuracies occur in responses.

    In this session, we will empower you to harness the full potential of RAG. We will provide a detailed walkthrough of RAG implementation, offering practical insights and strategies to overcome the most common challenges associated with the use of language models. By the end of this session, you will understand how to build effective RAG systems that address many of the concerns with using these types of tools. Since we will be focusing on business operations tasks, our code samples will be in C# and leverage the Microsoft OpenAI Client and Semantic Kernel.

  • GPT Under the Hood - Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing, enabling machines to generate human-like text with remarkable coherence. This presentation delves into the intricacies of GPT models, shedding light on the underlying mechanisms that enable these tools to predict tokens and generate text. We will unravel the architecture of GPT, from embedding layers to attention mechanisms, and provide a clear understanding of the processes that contribute to the model's performance.

    Beyond the technical deep dive, we will explore practical applications, discussing valid use-cases where GPT models excel, such as chatbots, content creation, and language translation. We will also critically evaluate scenarios where GPT models may fall short or prove unsuitable, addressing common myths and misconceptions.

    By bridging technical expertise with real-world application, this talk aims to equip programmers and other software creators with a nuanced understanding of GPT models, empowering them to harness these tools responsibly and effectively. Join us for an engaging session filled with insights, interactive discussions, and forward-thinking perspectives on one of today's most groundbreaking technological advancements.

  • GPT Embeddings: Not Magic, Just Math - Embeddings may be the least understood yet most valuable tool to come out of the world of Large Language Models. In this presentation, we will unravel the mystery of embeddings, emphasizing their mathematical foundations and practical applications.

    We'll start by discussing what embeddings are, and what they represent. Then we'll delve into the variety of tools we have to compare and contrast them, including Cosine similarity and distance, as well as clustering. Then we'll put those tools to use creating powerful applications that go beyond just typical chat and analytics use-cases. Because we'll be focusing on operational use-cases, code demos will be done using C#.

    Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the mathematical underpinnings of embeddings, practical knowledge of how to use them, and an appreciation for their value in our applications. This session is ideal for developers, data scientists, and anyone interested in the mathematical underpinnings of machine learning and natural language processing.

    Latest Slide Deck

  • Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software - Sure neural networks are cool but have you ever used a Firefly Algorithm to find the solution to a problem? How about an Ant Colony algorithm or one of the many other algorithms inspired by nature? In this talk we will see examples of a number of awesome bio-inspired algorithms that can be used to solve problems in software. We'll see how each one works, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, and determine when it is best used. You'll leave with the knowledge you need to solve problems using these algorithms in your language of choice.

    Latest Slide Deck | Video: Code on the Beach - Atlantic Beach FL USA - July 2022

  • Crafting AI: A Developer's Guide to Machine Learning - With Machine Learning (ML) making huge impacts across the software industry, it has become almost imperative for developers to understand its principles and applications. Unfortunately, the complexity of some ML models and the mathematical rigor of its algorithms can be intimidating. This talk aims to bridge this gap, making ML understandable and engaging for developers eager to learn this technology from the ground up.

    In this session, attendees will learn the foundational concepts of ML by coding their own models from scratch, without relying on pre-trained models like GPT. We'll start with a simple linear regression, a foundational tool to gain understanding of ML's error minimization and training processes. We'll then explain neural networks with a binary classification example. By the end, participants will not only grasp fundamental ML concepts but will also walk away with their own code implementing one of these models. This talk is designed to equip developers with the knowledge and confidence to use Machine Learning in their projects.

  • Pushing AI to the Client with WebAssembly and Blazor (also available as a half-day workshop) - Want to run your .NET Standard code directly in the browser on the client-side without the need for transpilers or browser plug-ins? Well, now you can with WebAssembly and Blazor. WebAssembly (WASM) is the W3C specification that will be used to provide the next generation of development tools for the web and beyond. Blazor is Microsoft's experiment that allows ASP.Net developers to create web pages that do much of the scripting work in C# using WASM. Come join us as we explore the basics of WebAssembly and how WASM can be used to run existing C# code client side in the browser. You will walk away with an understanding of what WebAssembly and Blazor can do for you and how to immediately get started running your own .NET code in the browser.

    Video: J on the Beach - Marbella Spain - May 2019

  • A Developer's Introduction to Artificial Intelligences (also available as a half-day or full-day workshop) - There are a number of ways that developers can build systems that make decisions on our behalf. In this introductory course specifically for software developers, we explore a variety of methods used to create Artificial Intelligences. Using demo code written in c#, we will survey the breadth of AI methodologies and develop an understanding of when each might be best utilized. You will also leave with a library of sample code available for reference.

    Latest Slide Deck

  • One AI Algorithm All Programmers Should Know - This simple technique that every programmer should know can simplify certain types of problems tremendously, allowing us to find an optimal solution to difficult problems quickly and easily using a mathematical process called Dynamic Programming (not to be confused with Dynamic Languages or Functional Programming). In this session, we will run through examples of using this technique to solve several problems, both "on paper" and in code and apply that knowledge to build artificial intelligences that can make decisions on our behalf.

    Latest Slide Deck

  • Building AI Solutions Using Combinatorial Solvers - We depend on Artificial Intelligences to solve many types of problems for us. Some of these problems have more than one possible solution. Handling those problems with more than one solution while building a modern AI system is something every developer will be asked to do over the course of his or her career. Figuring out the best way to utilize the capacity of a device or machine, finding the shortest path between two points, or determining the best way to schedule people or events are all problems where mathematical optimization techniques and tooling can be used to quickly and efficiently find solutions. This session is a software developers introduction to using mathematical optimization in Artificial Intelligence. In it, we will explore some of the foundational techniques for solving these types of problems, and use combinatorial solver tools to put them to work in our AI systems. Since this is a session for developers, we'll keep it in terms that work best for us. That is, we'll go heavy on the code and lighter on the math. Note: This talk can be specifically targeted to one of several solver tools including Gurobi, Microsoft Solver Foundation and Google OR-Tools.

    Video: NDC Sydney - Sydney Australia - August 2017

Past engagements

  • Techorama Netherlands - 10/7/2024 - 10/9/2024 - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software" and "The Future of Information Retrieval: A Deep-Dive into RAG"
  • Beer City Code 2024 - 8/3/2024 - "GPT Embeddings: Not Magic, Just Math" and "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software"
  • THATConference Wisconsin - 7/31/2024 - "GPT Under the Covers"
  • Cincy Deliver 2024 - 7/26/2024 - "Success with Microservices: The Critical 'Cs'"
  • ConFoo Montreal 2024 - 2/21/2024 - 2/23/2024 - "GPT Embeddings - Not Magic, Just Math" & "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software"
  • CodeMash 2024 - 1/9/2023 - 1/12/2023 - "GPT Embeddings - Not Magic, Just Math"
  • Carvana Spark - 11/14/2023 - 11/15/2023 - "Apache Kafka: Driving System Reliability" (Panel Moderator)
  • Tulsa .NET User Group - 10/24/2023 - "Defining the Business Domain using Event Storming"
  • CodeMash 2023 - 1/10/2023 - 1/13/2023 - "Event Storming Workshop"
  • Edmonton .NET User Group - 11/29/2022 - "Introduction to Microservices"
  • NDC Oslo 2022 - 9/26/2022 - 9/30/2022 - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software" & "Event Storming Workshop"
  • Code PaLOUsa 2022 - 8/17/2022 - 8/19/2022 - "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications" & "Event Storming Workshop"
  • Kansas City Developer's Conference 2022 (KCDC) - 8/8/2022 - 8/10/2022 - "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications" & "Event Storming Workshop"
  • Code on the Beach 2022 - 7/25 to 7/27/2022 - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software"
  • CodeStock 2022 - 4/7 to 4/8/2022 - "Eliminating Hidden Dangers to Your Applications: Patterns for Reliable Systems" & "Defining the Business Domain using Event Storming"
  • CodeMash 2022 - 1/11 to 1/14/2022 - "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications"
  • NDC Oslo 2021 - 11/29 to 12/3/2021 - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software", "Eliminating Hidden Dangers to your Applications: Patterns for Reliable Systems" & "Genetic Algorithms" (Lightning Talk)
  • AgileAZ 2021 - 11/11 to 11/12/2021 - "Defining the Business Domain using Event Storming"
  • Redis Monthly Live - 10/18/2021 - "Eliminating Hidden Dangers to Your Applications: Patterns for Reliable Systems"
  • THATConference 2021 - 7/26 - 7/29/2021 - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software"
  • The Valley of the Sun .NET User Groups - 7/22/2021 - "Eliminating Hidden Dangers to Your Applications: Patterns for Reliable Systems" (video)
  • The Valley of the Sun .NET User Groups - 12/16/2020 - "Event Storming (lightning talk)" (video)
  • Codestock 2020 - (Cancelled for April 2020 due to Covid-19) - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software" & "Pushing AI to the Client with WebAssembly and Blazor"
  • Twin Cities Code Camp - (Cancelled for April 2020 due to Covid-19) - "Pushing AI to the Client with WebAssembly and Blazor"
  • South Florida Software Dev Con 2020 - 2/29/2020 - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software"
  • AgileAZ 2019 - 11/22/2019 - "Things Your Dev Team Hopes You Know"
  • Desert Code Camp 2019 - 10/12/2019 - "Amazing Algorithms for Solving Problems in Software"
  • THAT Conference 2019 - 8/5 - 8/8/2019 - "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications"
  • J on the Beach Malaga 2019 - 5/15 - 5/17/2019 - "Pushing AI to the Client with WebAssembly and Blazor"
  • Craft Conference Budapest 2019 - 5/7 - 5/10/2019 - "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications"
  • Visual Studio 2019 Arizona Launch - 4/16/2019 - Organizer and Speaker. Keynote "Community" (video) and "Building Awesome Web Apps with Razor and Blazor".
  • Twin Cities Code Camp 2019 - 4/13/2019 - "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications"
  • Data Science Phoenix - 3/19/2019 - "Genetic Algorithms" (Lightning Talk)
  • ConFoo Montreal 2019 - 3/13 - 3/15/2019 - "A Developer's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" & "One AI Algorithm that All Developers Should Know" & "Intro to WebAssembly using Blazor" (last-minute fill-in)
  • South Florida Code Camp 2019 - 3/2/2019 - "Intro to WebAssembly using Blazor"
  • SoCalCodeCamp Los Angeles 2018 - 11/10 - 11/11/2018 - "Building .NET Applications for any Cloud with Cloud Foundry" & "Intro to WebAssembly using Blazor"
  • Code Camp Las Vegas 2018 - 10/20/2018 - "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications"
  • Desert Code Camp, Phoenix 2018 - 10/6/2018 - "Building .NET Applications for any Cloud with Cloud Foundry" and "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications"
  • Southeast Valley .NET User Group, Chandler AZ - 9/27/2018 - "Introduction to WebAssembly Using Blazor"
  • Northwest Valley .NET User Group, Glendale AZ - 9/26/2018 - "Introduction to WebAssembly Using Blazor"
  • RevolutionConf Virginia Beach 2018 - 5/17 - 5/18/2018 - "A Developer's Introduction to Artificial Intelligences"
  • MVPMix Dallas 2018 - 3/15/2018 - "One AI Algorithm all Programmers Should Know" and "A Developers Introduction to Artificial Intelligence"
  • Phoenix Startup Week 2018 - 2/19/2018 - "Using Combinatorial Optimization to Create Artificial Intelligences"
  • South Florida Code Camp 2018 - 2/10/2018 - "A Developer's Survey of AI Methodologies" and "Building AI Solutions with Google OR Tools"
  • SoCalCodeCamp Los Angeles 2017 - 12/2 to 12/3/2017 - "A Developer's Survey of AI Methodologies" and "Building AI Solutions with Google OR Tools"
  • Desert Code Camp 2017 - 10/14/2017 - "A Developer's Survey of AI Methodologies" and "Building AI Solutions that can Reason Why"
  • NDC Sydney - 8/14 to 8/18/2017 - "Building AI Solutions with Google OR-Tools"
  • SoCalCodeCamp San Diego 2017 - 6/24/2017 - "A Developer's Survey of AI Methodologies"
  • Southeast Valley .NET User Group - 6/22/2017 - "A Developer's Survey of AI Methodologies"
  • Codestock (Knoxville TN) - 5/6/2017 - "Examples of Micro-Service Architectures"
  • Phoenix Visual Studio 2017 Launch - 3/16/2017 - "Testing in Visual Studio 2017"
  • MVPMix Dallas - 3/9/2017 & 3/10/2017 - "Creating Maintainable and Discoverable APIs in .NET Core" & "Design Patterns for Loosely Coupled Applications in C#"
  • NDC London - 1/20/2017 - "Test Driven Development in .NET Core" & "What Makes a Good Unit Test?" (lightning talk)
  • Southern California Code Camp (SoCalCodeCamp - Los Angeles 2016) - 11/12-11/13/2016 - "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • Atlanta Code Camp 2016 - 10/15/2016 - "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • IT/DevConnections 2016 - 10/10/2016 - 10/13/2016 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know"
  • Desert Code Camp 2016.1 - 10/8/2016 - "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • Alpha DevCon 2016 - 9/21/2016 - panelist on the "Vertical Apps Panel"
  • .NET Group Las Vegas - 8/25/2016 - "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • Southern California Code Camp (SoCalCodeCamp San Diego 2016) - 6/26/2016 - "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • Twin Cities Code Camp 20 - 4/16/2016 - "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • Baton Rouge .NET User Group - 4/13/2016 - "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • South Florida Code Camp 2016 - 2/20/2016 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know" & "A Developer's Guide to Finding Optimal Solutions"
  • Southern California Code Camp(SoCalCodeCamp Los Angeles 2015) - 11/14/2015 & 11/15/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know" and "Simplify Your API: Creating Maintainable and Discoverable Code"
  • .NET Group - Southern Nevada's .NET User Group - 10/29/2015 - "Simplify Your API: Creating Maintainable and Discoverable Code"
  • Atlanta Code Camp - 10/24/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know."
  • Code Camp NYC- 10/10/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know."
  • Southern California Code Camp (SoCalCodeCamp San Diego 2015) - 6/27/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know."
  • Northwest Valley .NET User Group (NWVDNUG) - 6/24/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know."
  • Twin Cities Code Camp 18 - 4/25/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know."
  • Las Vegas Code Camp - 2/21/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know."
  • South Florida Code Camp 2015 - 2/7/2015 - "Dynamic Optimization: One Algorithm All Programmers Should Know"
  • Desert Code Camp 2014.2 - ".NET TDD Kickstart" and panelist for the discussion "Agile in Practice"
  • Southeast Valley .NET User Group - 8/28/2014 - "SOA: Beyond the Buzzwords"
  • Southern California Code Camp(SoCalCodeCamp San Diego 2014) - 6/28/2014 - "SOA: Beyond the Buzzwords"
  • South Florida Code Camp 2014 - 2/22/2014 - "Simplify Your API: Creating Maintainable and Discoverable Code"
  • Southernmost User Group 2014 - 2/20/2014 - "SOA: Beyond the Buzzwords"
  • Desert Code Camp 2013.2 - 11/9/2013 - "SOA: Beyond the Buzzwords"
  • DevConnections Las Vegas - 10/1/2013 - "Simplify Your API: Creating Maintainable and Discoverable Code"
  • Win 8 App Factor Tempe 6/13/2013 - "Code Portability in .NET"
  • SELA Dev Conference  5/5/2013-5/9/2013 in Tel Aviv Israel – a full day seminar version of ".NET TDD Kickstart" as well as "Code Portability in .NET"
  • Twin Cities Code Camp 4/27/2013 – "Code Portability in .NET"
  • Desert Code Camp 4/20/2013 – "Creating a DSL Using an OData Source"
  • South Florida Code Camp 2013 - 2/9/2013 - "Creating a DSL using an OData Source"
  • Southernmost User Group - 2/7/2013 - "Code Portability in .NET"
  • NYC Code Camp - 9/15/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • Los Angeles .NET Developer Group - 7/9/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • North West Valley .NET User Group - 6/26/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • Southern California Code Camp (SoCalCodeCamp - San Diego 2012) - 6/24/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • Twin-Cities Code Camp 12 (TCCC12) - 4/15/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • New Mexico .NET Users Group (NMUG) - 3/1/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • South Florida Code Camp 2012 - 2/18/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • Southern California Code Camp (SoCalCodeCamp Fullerton 2012) - 1/29/2012 - ".NET TDD Kickstart"
  • Desert Code Camp 2011.2 - 11/5/2011 - "Enterprise Development in the Windows 8 Timeframe"
  • Southern California Code Camp (SoCalCodeCamp - San Diego 2011) - 6/26/2011 - "Building Enterprise Quality Apps using EF4"
  • New Mexico .NET Users Group (NMUG) - 6/2/2011 - "Building Enterprise Quality Apps using EF4"
  • Desert Code Camp 2011.1 - 4/2/2011 - "Building Enterprise Quality Apps using EF4"
  • Developer Ignite II - 11/11/2009 - "AZGiveCamp, Geeks Giving Back to the Community"
  • Developer Ignite - 7/22/2009 - "Simplicity Through Abstraction"

Microservices and Event-Driven Architectures | Software Engineering Patterns and Practices | Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms

About the Author

Barry S. StahlBarry S. Stahl (he/him/his) - Barry is a .NET Software Engineer who has been creating business solutions for enterprise customers since the mid 1980s. Barry is also an Election Integrity Activist, baseball and hockey fan, husband of one genius and father of another, and a 40 year resident of Phoenix Arizona USA. When Barry is not traveling around the world to speak at Conferences, Code Camps and User Groups or to participate in GiveCamp events, he spends his days as a Solution Architect for Carvana in Tempe AZ and his nights thinking about the next AZGiveCamp event where software creators come together to build websites and apps for some great non-profit organizations.

For more information about Barry, see his About Me Page.

Barry has started delivering in-person talks again now that numerous mechanisms for protecting our communities from Covid-19 are available. He will, of course, still entertain opportunities to speak online. Please contact him if you would like him to deliver one of his talks at your event, either online or in-person. Refer to his Community Speaker page for available options.

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