AZGiveCamp III Organization Starts 3/3

Posted by bsstahl on 2011-02-23 and Filed Under: event 

At 6pm on March 3rd we will begin the journey toward our third AZGiveCamp event. If you are interested in being a part of the team that organizes this event, please come by the US Airways Rio West offices at 52nd St. and Rio Salado Parkway in Tempe (not the Corporate office on Mill - directions below) as we kick-off our next event planning.  Existing teams will need additional members and some new teams will be forming.  All types of help is needed, from financial and logistical planners to website, social media and other technical talents, so please come-by at 6pm and become part of this amazing team of volunteers.

If you are not familiar with AZGiveCamp a GiveCamp is a weekend event where the software development community comes together to support charities and non-profits by developing or improving their web sites and applications. These events have been occurring all over the United States for about 4 years now, and we have had 2 such events in the Valley of the Sun over the last year.

To get to the US Airways Rio West offices, take the Priest Dr. exit off the 202 (flag A) and head south. Make a right turn onto Rio Salado Parkway, and follow the road to where it starts to curve south (becoming 52nd St.).  You want to turn left at the last entrance into the parking lot before the traffic light.  If you reach the traffic light, you’ve gone too far, although you will be able to see the light from the parking lot entrance.  Make an immediate right in the parking lot and park anywhere along this side of the building, which is numbered 2021.  Enter at the first set of doors (the most northern doors on the west side of the building) labeled “Suite 101” and “US Airways Main Entry”.  You’ll be able to see the tower at Sky Harbor airport if you look to the west and there will probably be airplanes landing just over your head.

If you have any trouble finding the meeting location, please call me and I will do my best to guide you in.

Map to meeting

Satellite View of Buildings

Tags: givecamp azgivecamp